You’re in that movie where the villain is holding your spouse hostage. Nobody will listen or do anything. So, you grab a weapon and work your way though his mooks until it’s you and him grappling and out he goes through the window. Or it’s the movie where aliens have taken over the minds of half the population and you don’t know who to trust, but only you can stop this conspiracy. Wait, it’s the movie where the government is rounding up allegedly disloyal people and this time it’s your neighbor. They look at you with desperation in their eyes before the black bag is put over their head and their stuffed into a van never to be seen again.
These are just movies. Stories. Diversions. You’ll never be asked, required, or need to fight for a greater cause than the home invasion scenario you think might happen which is why you bought a gun.
Besides, if you did any of that stuff in real life, it could take your job, your house, your life.
Better to wait and see what or who they take next. Security. Freedom. Your voice.
No. Just stay quiet and look away.
You won’t see what it will take.
To take a stand against corruption, and cruelty.
Because you don’t have what it takes.
They’ve already taken it.